Friday, October 8, 2010

there's a place

The more I hear about instances of online bullying the angrier and sadder I become, especially when the stories result in the deaths of depressed and lonely young adults and teenagers. Perhaps what frustrates and hurts me most is the fact that the online world can be used for so much good. It can truly be a nurturing, loving environment if one only knows where to look. This has, at least, been my experience. In fact, had I not found a refuge in the online world, I may very well have gone the way of those poor misunderstood souls who only saw one way out.

My high school experience was very much like everyone else's, at least everyone else who was an outcast in one way or another. I was smart and geeky and introverted and reflective, and none of those were qualities appreciated by anyone in my school or, really, my hometown. School was simply a series of rejections, and if I wasn't rejected I was ignored. I felt powerless to change it so I simply went along with it. I hid in over-sized clothes and behind books, sitting as close to the wall or back of the room as possible. I went largely unnoticed by everyone and was miserable. For the most part, I didn't fit in with my classmates. They cared about high school sports and parties and drugs and stuff I couldn't care less about. I felt alone and desperate.

Unfortunately, college wasn't much of a change from high school. It was partly my own fault, as I had chosen to go to a college that was basically the high school after high school. If I had the chance to do it differently, I would. But, at the time, it seemed like the best decision. For various family-related reasons, I just wanted to go to the local college and commute. I didn't realize that it would be just as painful and miserable as high school had been. Although there were some instructors that I loved, the ones I disliked far outnumbered them. I was suffocating and frustrated and so damn lonely. I had no close friends at college and the ones I had had in high school had either abandoned me or simply drifted away. I had my family, but there was only so much support they could lend. And by my third year of college, my siblings had moved out to go to college themselves. Nobody knew it, but I was in my own personal hell.

I was sick at heart. I was filled with this void that I couldn't fill, and the ache that I felt from it was too much to bear. I can't tell you how many nights I cried myself to sleep because I simply can't remember them all. My anxiety problems were getting worse and I didn't have any support outside of my family. I was dying and no one knew. And then, one day, I stumbled across something that, quite literally, saved my life. 

As silly as it may sound, 'Mystery Science Theater 3000' and the Cinematic Titanic forum saved me. A professor had renewed my interest in MST3K, which I had seen years before, but had never had access to. We didn't have cable and my collection had only consisted of a VHS copy of MST3K: The Movie that I had found for a dollar at a local antique mall. But when my prof. made mention of the MSTed version of Hamlet, it pushed me to use our newly acquired high speed connection to get some much needed MST3K in my life. It wasn't long after that that I discovered the newly launched Cinematic Titanic site and its forum. I lurked for a while and then in September of 2008 I joined the forum.

My life changed overnight.

The only way I can describe the forum to those who aren't a part of it is like this: it's a family. It was my first experience of finding people who were like me and interested in the same things as I was, and not only that, but they also liked me! (I can't stress this last point enough.) They accepted me right away and before long I was even dubbed the Official Little Sister -- a title that Mary Jo Pehl's sweet and kind husband, Ron, still uses when he talks to me. Finally, I was a part of something that was larger than my biological family. Finally, I had found the support and friendship that I had so desperately wanted for so long. Finally, I was no longer lonely.

That acceptance magnified even more when I joined Twitter a year ago and my online family expanded greatly. In fact, it was the support that this family has given me that inspired me to shake the dust from that crummy town off my feet and see the world. Or, at least, make the big move to the big city of Chicago. My online family showed me that I had a choice -- I could stay where I was and continue to suffocate, or I could take a chance, knowing that there were others out there who appreciated me, and move away knowing that I would find appreciation and kindred spirits out there somewhere.

My life has improved so much in the past two years, and that is due entirely to the love and acceptance I found online. God knows that the Internet and social networking sites can be dangerous tools, but -- at least for this outcast -- they can be lifesaving tools, as well.


  1. Beautiful. Isn't it funny how twitter has helped so many of us outcasts find a community?

  2. Wonderful blog, Janelle!
    The kindness and spirit of friendship I discovered in '08 on the Cinematic Titanic forum was truly unique, and you, yourself, were one of the brightest candles throwing far its beams! "So shines a good deed in a naughty world".
    It was surely a pleasure to witness the warmth and camaraderie you all shared!
    I know I've said it before, but reading your writing makes me happy!

  3. That was beautiful, Janelle. I'm happy to be a part of your Twitter family. :)

  4. You are a lovely writer. You have a beautiful spirit and heart that shines through in your writing. Thank you for sharing your story, and I am so glad I met you through Twitter.

  5. I, too, found "family" online! First, my "Minnesota girlfriends," who are my mom-peeps. It was they who brought me to Facebook & Twitter. And then I met my MSTies! And now I have TWO online families! It's so wonderful. I dunno how I got by before findin' y'all... xoxoxoox

  6. I had a somewhat similar experience to yours.. I was a huge MSTie in '97, when I graduated high school, along with many of my friends. however, they went on to college and I didn't. I withdrew severely, barely venturing out of my room. the two years between graduating and getting my first job were the worst of my life.
    the summer of '97, the MST3K crew did an IRC chat. I'd never used IRC before, but I got it so I could join in. from then on I was hooked...and it was friendships I formed through IRC chat rooms that kept me afloat.
    even today, when I'm having a bad day or sacrificing my social life for cartooning, I know MST will always be there, snarky and lovable as ever.
    thanks for sharing.

  7. I think you were the first person who welcomed me to the MST3K internet world, i hope we meet someday for real!
    If only people could find the right community for them like you have. I had a weird experience once when someone a bit deranged put up a page of hate about me on the net. I can't fathom these people that do that.
    Anyway, you summed everything up much better than i ever could. xx

  8. Great write as always! So glad to be able to call you a friend thanks to the internet and social networking sites! I wish everyone could know that no matter how outcast they may feel where they are, there are people in this world that are just like them. People that they would have everything in common just need to find them!

  9. Beautiful!! You already know this, but my story is just about the same. I've met so many amazing people through the internet (yourself included). I've found that, even now, people in my life have scoffed at my constant internet usage and find it odd and scary that I've actually MET people through it. What they don't see is how happy I am compared to what I was 3 years ago, and through the graciousness and love of people I've met on the internet, I've gotten better. (Although, I still need some work)

  10. I found MST3K in junior high, myself. I was flipping through the channels and stumbled upon Daddy-O. I was mesmerized; I'd been a fan of "Mad Movies" years before and MST3K reminded me of it at the time.

    I'm 31 now and without any exaggeration, I'd say the show has actually formed my sense of humor and gave me something rather unique to share with family and friends. When I come across other MSTies, it's like a family reunion!

  11. Hi Janelle, I found this post as a link from Satellite News - this is a great entry. I totally get it. Thank you.
