Friday, February 4, 2011

you just haven't earned it yet, baby

Once again, some of the males in the office have provoked disgust in me. Although this time it doesn’t concern a remark made in my direction, it does still offend me just as much.

They’re browsing the latest Maxim featuring Olivia Munn on the cover.

Now, there may not be enough words to describe how much I dislike, perhaps hate, Munn, but I am willing to give it a shot.

I’m not exactly sure how it happened -- though G4 is partly to blame -– but somehow Munn has come to “represent” geeky girls and serve as a lust object for geeky guys. I cannot speak for the entire geek population, but I can speak for those geeks that I know well. The un-geeky population seems to have appropriated her as the geeky ambassador. But she is not our spokeswoman and she is not geeky ideal.

In short: We do not approve.

You see, there’s a bit of a badge of honor that comes with being a geek. In part, it’s the tough skin developed from being teased relentlessly in school and the knowledge gained from nights of being absorbed in books and online worlds. It’s also, in part, the quick wit honed from retorts to dumb jocks who teased us mercilessly. It’s taken us years to develop and, perhaps, accept, but our geekiness is an inherent part of our character and being. It’s not something you can simply claim by wearing a pair of glasses, watching a geeky show, or by wearing a Wonder Woman costume on the cover of a book. As far as I can tell, her geeky title is something that Munn has failed to earn (I'm not even going to discuss her "model" status).

Some will call me a “hater” -- many already have) -- but there is nothing about Munn that is endearing. She’s not charming, funny, or quirky. She brings nothing to any of the roles she has had, be it on G4, her new NBC show, or “The Daily Show.” If anything, she perpetuates the notion of a woman being hired not on her credentials or intelligence or wit but on her looks. In my eyes, she and Megan Fox are one and the same: skating by on their looks while the putting up the illusion that they have talent.

Making her even less attractive is her attitude that she is a goddess among geeks – someone to be worshiped and whose bidding should be carried out by those lowly geeks not good-looking enough to be on TV.

What infuriates me the most is that entertainment corporations continue giving her outlets to sell her faux brand of geekiness while endeavors by true geeks never see the light of day.

A while back I started a campaign of sorts on Twitter to overthrow Munn. I consider this blog a step in this overthrow. It’s at least a step in the right direction and a step towards reclaiming title of geek for those who truly are geeks at heart.

Commence deMunnifcation sequence.


  1. "Commence deMunnification Sequence", Indeed. (I'm secretly loving that "deMunnification" is now in my phone's dictionary, by the way..)

  2. Great post! Any self-respecting geek knows she is a fake.

  3. she is the Megan Fox of the geek world, i.e. she acts like everyone should kiss her ass just to see where the shit comes from while most people with taste and standards find her repulsive.

  4. I'm always amazed at the people who act shocked when I say I don't like her. Why? Because she's not funny. I loathe people who think they're funny and get a national platform but aren't. Everyone else knows it, any laughs are out of pity. But that stupid idea that meme that women simply aren't funny so they should just be hot and say dumb things persists. To truly have a twisted sense of humor you can't be with the in crowd, you have to be an outsider who can parse the world and view it from a separate prism. Or be stark raving mad.

  5. Before Munn it was Morgan Webb, ALSO a Maxim hottie. Legend has it Morgan Webb stormed into the volunteer lounge at the Game Developers Conference in 2008 and was all huffy because she couldn't find the press office. Sadly, my cohorts assisted her.

  6. The worst thing about it is that most people (mainly guys)assume that if you don't like her you're boring or ugly. Case in point:

  7. AMEN SISTER. Could not have put it better myself.

  8. I never saw her appeal beyond the prurient. I don't know how she got on the Daily Show, but she's an insult to the funny women on it like Samantha Bee.
    I'd like to watch Sarah Vowell dump pig blood on her.
